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Home TechTime March 2017
TechTime is a Neptronic publication aiming to inform you on the best ways to deal with common issues highlighted by our technical support team. Each edition features three new topics and will be posted on neptronic.com.
Simple as A, B, C
EDH Account Creation is Just a Click Away

The design and selection of electric heaters is only a mouse click away with our online Electric Duct Heater Software. This unique interactive software allows you to enter basic data in a user friendly window. Click here to learn more.
Easy as Pie
Humidisoft Account Creation Quick and Easy

The Humidisoft online sizing and selection software saves you time when sizing and specifying commercial, industrial or residential humidifiers. Existing Head rep account holders can create and add users in a few simple steps. Click here to learn more.
The Sky Is Not the Limit
User Permissions & Restrictions

There are many features to limit or restrict users from changing setpoints or configuration settings. To avoid problems caused by illogical setting changes made by some users, a few restrictions can be added. Click here to learn more.